05 September 2010

Two meals

Pasta salad for two.

Two large handfuls of pasta, boiled with salt for 10 minutes.
Sauce: normally I use a dip as the base, but we didn't have any today, so I made one from scratch. I mixed natural yoghurt with 1 egg and some mayonnaise before putting it on the heat. Added 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp mustard, salt+pepper, more mayonnaise, remoulade and salad cream. Also dusted Parmesan.
Pasta was run under cold water and mixed with sauce. Most of one raw chopped onion was stirred through.

Sauce wasn't quite right but good enough.

'Meatballs' in fresh tomato sauce with pasta, cooked for five/six-ish with some leftovers.

I basically followed the recipe, although I didn't have carrot and celery. After simmering it for fifteen minutes, I put the pasta on (one 500g packet). Fifteen minutes later, the pasta was nearly ready; I cut six Frikadellen (pre-cooked hamburger-esque German things) into eighths and stirred them through to warm them. It was lovely, the sauce was a teeny bit sour, but the whole thing was AMAZING and so more-ish with dusted Grana Padano. Mmmmm.